What I’m Working On

February has been a busy month for voice-over. I’ve already completed 3 new audiobooks for Audible and am now working on a new Top Secret project with Spoken Realms who have graciously accepted my proposal (More on that next month!)

In the meantime, One of my three completed audiobooks is now available on Audible with the other two popping up in the next couple of weeks. Just search my name and they shoudl pop up.

The most recent book I really want to promote as I thoroughly enjoyed it (and not only because I got to attempt a number of movie scenes in the reading.)

It’s called “Living the Hero’s Journey” by Will Craig and its a really fun way to explore your potential and see yourself as the lead character in your own life. For anyone familiar the “Hero’s Journey” story template or read any Joeseph Campbell its a pretty fun ride. Plus you get to hear be to a passable(?) Boston accent. so keep on the lookout for that one!